Episode 1067: Kidnapping a Queen

As you side step Gawain's stab, you knee him in the face. You turn and run for wagon, where the future queen stands, watching the action unfold. You pull the queen off the wagon. She is forced to run behind you to keep from falling to the ground. You chop loose the horse's rein, threw the queen over the horse's back, and jumped on yourself. Only then has the guard recovered from their shock and are now moving in on you.

After riding off into the forest, you gagged the queen from screaming to lose the guards. Finally, when it's peaceful and quiet, you realized that the horse is tired. You stop at a stream to let the horse and the queen have a drink. The queen has recomposed herself by then. Surely, her knights will come and save her. In the mean time, you ponder what to do.


Ride to a nearby tavern.
Ride to a grove of trees.
Ride to your cave.
give the Queen the horse and walk off


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