Day 2
During Day 2, perform the Daily Encounters in the Mountain from Day 1. The continue below and read the following to the players.
At the end of the second day, the party sees lights in the distance. As they walk closer, they see that the lights come from an inn on the side of the mountain path. There are many horses tied down, outside the inn. A company of ten military men is camping outside. There are many adventurers inside the inn. A lot of them have gathered around the dining area and the bar. No doubt that there are more in the living quarters. The parties in the dining room and bar are boasting about being the one group to obtain the Gensu seeds first. There are a lot of taunting going around. It's a bar fight ready to happen. The party can see that the innkeeper is very nervous. |
You are welcome to make up the various groups to bring realism to this scene. Continue to read the following to the players.
There are about ten military men in one corner of the dining area. General Claypassion the Tracker is sitting toward the back of the corner, facing so that he can see the entire room. There is no doubt that the presence of the general and his military men is preventing the tension from escalating to a bar fight. The party sees that the general is talking discreetly to his second-in-command. After the discussion, the commander rounds up a few soldiers and whispers to them discreetly. Finally, the commander leaves the dining room. |
The general's instruction is simple: 1) they are heading out at 5 AM; 2) a few soldiers are to lay down oil and cannon powder inside and outside of the inn during the night; 3) at dawn, they will light up the cannon powder and burn everyone in the inn to death; 4) anyone who tries to leave before 5 AM is to be ambushed and killed by the soldiers outside.
The PC's will find out the plot if one of them secretly follows the general's men as they go about carrying out the plan. The PC's can also send Hagen on this task. If you wish, use Hagen or, even better, the innkeeper to make PC aware of the dire situation. If the PC's doesn't find out about the plot or doesn't stop it from happening, they will wake up at 5 AM to a fire infernal. If the PC's does not stay at the inn, the general's soldiers, camping outside, will come to the PC's camp to slit their throats at night.